Home Urban Livestock Goats Here is why goats are good for weed-control

Here is why goats are good for weed-control


There is no doubt that there are many benefits to having a goat on your farm. They are great because they give you milk, wool and meat. It’s just what they do and everybody knows that this has been their role for ages. Humans always use them in order to survive and have a better quality of life.


Some think that this is a cruel way to look at an animal, while there are others who think that it’s just a part of life. People are always going to use the animals to their advantage, nothing is going to change that. Because of that, you can go to the store and get some goat meat, or dairy.

One much less cruel way of using the goats is having them eat everything that humans don’t want to see. They can be used to control unwanted vegetation as weeds are something that they enjoy. Because of that, they are enabling humans to avoid herbicides or heavy equipment, which is always a good thing.


This is called “migitation” and it is getting popular by the day in the United States of America. You just send the goats on a territory that needs a bit of cleaning and you are going to have yourself a better vegetation.

The other funny thing is that the size of a goat is going to determine the size of the things that it is going to eat. If you have a small goat, you are going to take care of the small portion of the weeds. That is why it’s better to have a big one, but maybe the best way to go about things is to have small, medium and large sized goats do the job at the same time.