Just like any other animal, chickens, too, have their daily routine, certain activities that they stick to. So, if you want to learn more about their behavior, read on and see what they normally do, which will make it easier for you to spot any unusual activity which might imply that there is some sort of issue to solve.
Chickens move

According to some scientific research, chickens can walk and run around 1½ mile a day, so you should give them the opportunity to move around. Also, they might be known as bad at flying, but they still like to fly onto a barn or a tree to have some rest or sleep, so think about that, too.
Chickens groom

In addition to physical activity, don’t forget about chickens’ grooming behavior. Thus, you need to make sure they have room to preen, stretch, flap their wings, and take dust baths. Dust baths are of crucial importance if you want to keep their feathers in good condition, as that act helps protect them from natural chicken pests.
Chickens nap
Even if it’s a sunny summer day, chickens like taking a nap in the sun. Since they cannot sweat, they will stretch out their wings in a shade when it’s very hot. Another way to cool the blood is to dip their beats into cold water. Chickens do put up with the cold somewhat better than with hot weather, however, if it’s really cold or windy, they usually stay in their coop and huddle down.
Chickens talk

This might sound weird, but they do. According to Dr. Joy Mench, director of the Center for Animal Welfare at the University of California at Davis, “They have at least 30 different vocalizations, and maybe more — we haven’t characterized all of them. If you can listen long enough, you’ll be able to detect a lot of variation in their sound—it isn’t just a ‘cluck.’ You can also use them as a really good indicator of what kinds of things are going on within the flock.”
She also adds that “There are all sorts of unique contact calls used between one adult and another, or between adults and chicks. Every rooster has a different crow call. They are completely distinctive; they use these in the wild to advertise their territory and communicate with their hens.”
Chickens forage

Finally, you should know that chickens are natural foragers and that they can spend almost half a day looking for tasty morsels. So, even if they have their food waiting for them in a bowl, don’t be surprised if you see them looking for morsels elsewhere.
So, if you’re planning on raising chickens, keep these usual activities in mind. When it comes to food, chickens usually dine on a variety of grains, seeds, grasses, insects, and even rodents, so that shouldn’t be a problem, plus, you can always supplement their diet with all kinds of kitchen scraps, garden gleanings, and other goodies. We hope what you’ve read here will be useful.