Home Urban Livestock Rabbits Rabbit keeping – all you need to know about rabbits before getting...

Rabbit keeping – all you need to know about rabbits before getting one


If you are very enthusiastic about rabbits and would like to keep them as pets, there are few things you should know before getting one. You have to be aware that rabbits require a lot of care and maintenance.

The first thing you need to do is to keep their hutch clean. That is a daily task and you have to take it seriously because it is necessarily for rabbit’s good health, and rabbits can be very messy. While cleaning hutch your rabbit will have time to stretch around so you can fill in the water bowl and provide fresh pellets, greens, and hay.


When out of hutch, you have to pay attention to your rabbit-pet as they like to chew things and dig holes. If you have a rabbit in an apartment, keep the electrical, telephone and computer cords covered with plastic tubing and also lift your pillows or other things up from the floor as they like to chew a lot. If you notice that your carpet corner is lifted, that probably means that your rabbit was trying to dig up. You need to protect your carpet or you just find artificial grass so they can dig up. And if you are interested, you can check more info about rabbit hunch at thedailygardener.com

The very important thing is to take care of your rabbit’s health. If you see that your rabbit is being sick, you have to take it to the vet immediately. It is also too expensive to play for its treatment, especially if you postpone it to the extent that your rabbit needs more veterinary care, so it is better to take it as soon as you see any signs of illness.


When going away make sure that you leave your rabbit pet with someone who can take daily care of it. Make sure that person is fully aware of obligations as pet-keeper, e.g. clean hutch, feed it regularly, and interact with it, so you know that you leave your rabbit in good hands.

Be aware of rabbit’s needs before you decide on getting it as a pet because they can live from 9 to 12 years, so this is a long-term commitment.